What is LivingSexy™
April 11th, 2017

We get asked this all over the world. When I give this talk at conferences its standing room only to hear if they are LivingSexy™ and what they can do if they currently aren’t.
People enjoy the term however don’t understand when or how to use it.
Let me explain what it means to Holli and I…feel free to share what you think.
Also, come listen to us talk…we promise you a good time with sexy fun. To Holli and I, all Swingers are LivingSexy™ however not all LivingSexy™ people are Swingers.
LivingSexy™ is a concept reflective of an overall Lifestyle (including diet, fitness, sex, clothing, etc.) for couples and single individuals who are interested in living a Sexier, more Sensual, Experimental, Experience driven life without fear any “unique experience” will define them as a couple of individual.
Benjamin Franklin said, “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” LivingSexy™ is about involving you and others in life.
Here are the steps of LivingSexy™:
- It’s an attitude not an action
- T.L.C. (Trust, Talk, Listen, Communicate)
- Confidence in yourself as well as in your partner if a couple
- It’s about the “we” not the “me”
- Open your mind to new ideas and experiences
- Accept and respect those you meet for who they are
- Understand the differences between “needs” and “wants”
- Don’t forget to smile, laugh and have fun
Do you want to LiveSexy™?
Make the following commitments to yourself and if you are in a relationship make them with your partner also:
- Commit to your relationship: Nurture your bond daily and understand the consequences if you don’t.
- Commit to communication: Communication IS lubrication so participate in hardcore open honest communication when things are great and when they are a mess.
- Commit to sex: No brainer, right? Wrong! For sex to go the distance (til death do us part) you have to meet each other’s’ needs which change over time.
LivingSexy™ is not:
- Making assumptions
- Overemphasizing your needs
- Being overly self-conscious
- Focusing on the negative